June 26, 2010

More fun in June

Carly is now sitting in a booster chair at the table like a big girl :)

Happy Father's Day!

Carly checking out her ponytail.

Even though it was about 95 by 10 in the morning, we ventured out to the park for a little bit. It has been so hot we dont get there much anymore. Carly loved it :)

A TON of huge white birds behind shopping plaza near us. Looks much cooler in person

A few of our butterflies

June 20, 2010

June 2010

June has been very HOT so far, in the high 90's and VERY humid. We have been spending most of our time in the pool. Carly is like a fish and loves the water like daddy.

Carly and daddy doing "stunts"

Carly loves to play in her "castle" from Grammy and Grampy for her birthday.

Carly loves to go down the slide into the pool! She has no fear!